Rita & Jacob

Rita & Jacob

W h a t     w a s    y o u r    w e d d i n g    t h e m e ?
My wedding was based around an all W h i t e theme. My bridesmaids were dressed in beautiful white gowns. Our bridal flowers were entirely white. 
I really wanted my wedding to portray elegance and class, so we had to have 
w h i t e  theme.
h o w    d i d    y o u    d e c i d e    o n    y o u r    r e c e p t i o n ?
Our Lebanese culture is so use to serving food to others. Food being so important to both sides of our family. we wanted to find a reception that would love serving their food just as much as my husband and I.
We came across Paradiso and the customer service was beyond amazing , which helped us make a decision. It was a beautiful big reception and we  could picture exactly how our wedding would turn out!
It was also a easy location with parking.
F a v o r i t e    p a r t    o f    w e d d i n g ?
The most favorite part of my wedding day was becoming one with my partner! The laughs and memories I got to share with my husband and our close family and friends. Something I will never forget and cherish forever.
A d v i c e    f o r    c o u p l e s    p l a n n i n g    t h e r e    w e d d i n g? 
The best advise I could give another bride is to just enjoy the moment! Live in the moment and laugh and just enjoy the day as much as possible and asborb how much love is in the room!
S u p p l i e r s 
 Robe- Amanda Barden
Hair- Ellie Maree
Makeup - Samantha Chidiac
Photographer - Emilio B
Video- NYC
Dress- Steven khalil
Headpiece- Maria Ellena headpeice